
About URoc

The Utah Rocket group (URoc) is an engineering project group composed of mechanical and electrical engineering students that believe Utah schools should do more to encourage the growth of the aerospace industry. Their goal is to design and build a rocket capable of reaching a height that meets or exceeds the legal limit of space. This would make the University of Utah the first university in U.S. history to achieve this goal.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mountain States Fence our newest sponsor

We just wanted to recognize our newest sponsor! Mountain States Fence has been working with our Launch Tower group and will be donating steel pipe for them to use in building the tower.  We are very grateful to them and all our other sponsors for all their contributions.
You can visit MS Fence at:

In other news we had a scrubbed test launch last Saturday due to the weather, but other then that we are proceeding according to plan!  Thanks to everyone for all of their hard work.