
About URoc

The Utah Rocket group (URoc) is an engineering project group composed of mechanical and electrical engineering students that believe Utah schools should do more to encourage the growth of the aerospace industry. Their goal is to design and build a rocket capable of reaching a height that meets or exceeds the legal limit of space. This would make the University of Utah the first university in U.S. history to achieve this goal.

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 2011 URoc/Tripoli Launch

We have met with Tripoli, the national rocketry club, they have agreed to let us piggyback our avionics team's packages this spring.  This will help the avionics team to calibrate their data, and test their systems designs so that everything will work on the big launch.  The rockets we are testing on are a lot smaller than what we will be using for our space launch, but the data gathered will be very useful.  Also due to some awesome Electrical Engineering undergrads who professionally film wedding, etc. We now have a film crew that will be documenting all our events and progress.  They will eventually make it into a documentary in hopes of selling it to Discovery or some other studio.  We are very grateful to them for all their efforts and are glad to welcome them on board.  I will try to include their company name and contact information soon, as well as our sponsors from Tripoli.  Here are some pictures from today's launch:

The launch site past Eagle Mountain and Fairfield, before Rush Valley

Joseph Green, Brandon Terry and Jed Marti (Tripoli Sponsor), and Mike and the video crew filming

Setting the launch site up.  We launched on a J 550 size rocket motor.

Kelvin and Lydia Bailey all excited for launch

Brandon Terry, Joseph Green, and Kelvin Bailey

Here's a video of the actual launch, Lydia's not a fan of the loud noise made by the rocket.

Here's a video of the landing of the rocket.

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