
About URoc

The Utah Rocket group (URoc) is an engineering project group composed of mechanical and electrical engineering students that believe Utah schools should do more to encourage the growth of the aerospace industry. Their goal is to design and build a rocket capable of reaching a height that meets or exceeds the legal limit of space. This would make the University of Utah the first university in U.S. history to achieve this goal.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Uroc Rocket Team met with Lockheed Martin Advisor 12/1/2010

So last Wednesday we (the motor team) had a teleconference with Lockheed Martin and AeroTech which went really well, we were able to answer most of the questions that Lockheed had, and those that we couldn't answer Gary (Aerotech CEO and our first supporter) was able to answer them. We may have to adjust the diameter of the rocket to fit stock aluminum tubing sizes, which may change the design somewhat, but we feel the change will be manageable.  Also we are going to have to do some additional analysis for wind shear and thermal variables.  After meeting with both companies we all just felt really good about the project we felt like this is an ambitious project but we can do it! The companies really helped us feel like this is possible, difficult, but possible. I would just like to say thank you to all of our sponsors for all of your support and help we couldn't have gotten to this point without you!

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